Brows That Last: The Importance of Annual Refresh for Microblading

Eyebrow microblading is an incredibly effective and versatile procedure, but, even with the word “permanent” in its name (as in “permanent makeup”), we always remind clients that it is not a one-and-done procedure. Microblading requires an annual touch-up or refresh. The visible pigment will fade over time, as skin cells are constantly being replaced. As such, all clients need periodic touch-ups to maintain that fresh look. The annual touch-ups are also a chance to try a different color or make other adjustments to the brows. At Adorn Cosmetic in Oakland, we advise clients to book their annual refresh appointment 12-18 months after the initial procedure.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

While microbladed brows are often referred to as a permanent tattoo, in fact, it is more accurately called ‘semi-permanent’. The pigment used in microblading endures a shorter time than in traditional tattoos. Typically, you can expect your eyebrow makeup to last between 12 months and 2 years. Every client’s eyebrow process is unique. After the initial healing period of microblading has passed, many factors that can contribute to how fast or slowly the pigment that has been locked into the skin fades over time. We always share the following tips for making your microblading last longer:

  • Do not apply eyebrow makeup too vigorously when you’re brow shaping. Gentle strokes that do not disturb the skin are best.

  • Retinols, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, vitamin C serums, and other acids can be detrimental to the pigment’s integrity. Be careful about using skincare products including lotions, sunscreen, cleansers, and makeup that contain these products. Any products labeled “anti-aging” will contain acids and should not be used on the tattooed brow area.

  • Oily skin types are not as effective at retaining pigment. Overproduction of sebum (skin oil) can undermine the ability of the pigment to adhere to your skin. To compensate, use skincare products designed to reduce oil buildup. 

  • When you go out, make sure you are using sunscreen to protect your brows, as well as the rest of your face and neck!

Reasons To Schedule Your Microblading Touch Up

Even for the most fastidious followers of our after-care instructions, there comes a time when a touch-up is needed. Microblading annual touch-ups, also known as maintenance or refresh appointments, are important to keep your microbladed eyebrows looking their best. Here are several reasons to schedule your annual touch-up:

  1. Normal Color Fading: Over time, the pigment used in microblading can fade, especially if it's exposed to sunlight and other environmental factors. An annual touch-up helps refresh the color and maintain vibrancy.

  2. Natural Skin Regeneration: The skin on your face naturally regenerates over time. As new skin cells replace old ones, the microbladed pigment can become less visible. A touch-up helps reintroduce pigment into the new skin layers.

  3. Maintain Definition: Microblading adds definition and structure to your eyebrows. Annual touch-ups help maintain the crisp lines and hair-like strokes that provide this definition.

  4. Skin Changes: Changes in skin texture, elasticity, and oiliness can affect how microbladed pigment holds in the skin. Annual touch-ups can adapt to these changes.

Besides the annual maintenance to increase the longevity of your microbladed eyebrows, an annual touch-up session for microblading can also be a chance to explore a new shape, or experiment with different colors or looks.

  • New Look: If you are ready to say goodbye to your current eyebrow style and want a fresh look, a microblading annual touch-up offers an opportunity for a makeover. 

  • Color Change: Perhaps you've decided that you want a different eyebrow color. Microblading allows you to change the color of your eyebrows, and the annual refresh appointment is a perfect time to do that.

What To Expect At Your Annual Refresh Appointment 

We enjoy seeing our clients back at our studio for the annual refresh appointment. It’s a chance for us to review the eyebrows together, and hear how much clients love the convenience and look of microbladed eyebrows. When you come in for your annual refresh appointment for microblading, you can expect:

  • Consultation and Assessment: Your permanent makeup artist will start by assessing the current state of your eyebrows and the fading or retention of the pigment from your initial microblading session.

  • Color and Shape Discussion: You will have a discussion with your permanent makeup artist about the color and shape you want for your eyebrows. Any changes or adjustments can be made during this consultation.

  • Numbing Cream Application: A topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  • Microblading Procedure: Similar to the initial procedure, our expert permanent makeup artist will touch up your eyebrows with our signature technique.

  • Pigment Selection: Your artist will choose a pigment color that matches your eyebrow color or the new color you choose for your annual refresh.

That’s it! Following the aftercare instructions, you will continue enjoying the many benefits of microbladed eyebrows for another 12-18 months until you come back to your next refresh appointment.

Book Your Annual Eyebrow Refresh Appointment at Adorn Cosmetic in Oakland

Whether you choose microblading to achieve natural-looking brows, correct asymmetry, cover up scars, or enhance facial features, our permanent makeup artists in Oakland are able to accommodate your goals and preferences. We even work with previously microbladed eyebrows done at other studios, if a client is new to the area, or chooses Adorn for the annual refresh for any other reasons. We also offer Nano Brows for those with oiler skin, and Ombre or Powder Brows for a soft, shaded effect.