Permanent Cosmetic Procedures for Women Over 60


Why Permanent Cosmetic Procedures for Women Over 60 Make Sense

With permanent makeup options becoming more sophisticated with every year, there’s little to dispute why permanent cosmetic procedures for women over 60 make sense. Adorn Cosmetic offers multiple procedures to help older women feel more confident in their appearances.

What is Microblading?

Put simply, microblading is a cosmetic procedure that embeds eyebrow-colored pigment just under the skin with a fine tool. This process provides an alternative to eyebrow pencils, brow gel, and other products that must be continuously reapplied. The pigment remains for a period between 18 months and 3 years before fading, making this a form of semi-permanent makeup.

How Do Eyebrows Change with Age? 

There are many influences on a woman’s appearance that manifest themselves over time. Eyebrows are often overlooked but can have a definite impact. As women get older, changes in hormone production can mean that hair growth cycles abate, meaning that new hair grows in much slower and causes thinning eyebrows. It is rare that this thinning will come in symmetrically, causing additional woes to women trying to balance their faces. As hair turns grey or white, it can lose the lubricating oil it had in younger times, becoming coarser. This again changes the texture of the eyebrow as a whole. Rather than commit to a daily drudge of drawing and re-drawing eyebrows that they can be satisfied with, many women over the age of 60 are instead turning to semi-permanent makeup as an option.

Is There an Age Limit to Microblading?

Because microblading eyebrows involves abrasions of the skin, and due to the decrease in skin elasticity that people experience as they age, it is natural to wonder whether permanent cosmetics such as microblading are appropriate for use on older skin. The truth of the matter is that so long as factors such as the skin’s tone and thickness are taken into account, there is no reason why older clients can’t benefit from microbladed brows.

Everything You Need to Know About Microblading 


Microblading is often compared to a cosmetic tattooing procedure. In many ways this is an apt comparison. Both cosmetic tattoos and microblading involve subdermal insertion of pigment. However, there are notable differences.

  • Tattoo ink is designed to be permanent, and will change color over time from dark brown/black to a more blueish tone.

  • In comparison, the type of pigment used in microblading is designed to fade in time but hold its color.

  • Tattooing is performed with a particular machine, and eyebrow tattoos tend to have a more filled-in appearance as a result. 

  • Microblading is performed with a hand tool creating individual hair strokes and tends to produce a more natural brow appearance.

Microblading will require an initial treatment followed by one or two follow-ups, to ensure the color implants properly and remains for between twelve months to two years. The procedure should not be particularly uncomfortable as microblade artists will apply numbing cream to the area during their work for the client’s comfort. The procedure is known to not affect oily skin as effectively, though one consequence of the ageing process is that skin tends to dry out. It also means that thick, dramatic brows are generally less effective. Common microblading practice for older women is to create thinner, more delicate brow shapes. 

Microblading and similar procedures are proven to boost the confidence of older women who undergo them. Microblading is even popular with celebrities such as Helen Mirren. If you would like to try microblading for yourself, or any of our other permanent cosmetic procedures, you can book a virtual consultation to discuss microblading and how it might work for you.